South High School

Welcome to the South High Class Of 1970 Salt Lake City, Utah web site.
What fun it is to have so many of you enjoy seeing the old pictures as well as new ones posted on our site. Life continues on and each of us are now seasoned ( some more hot, bitter or sweeter than others) from growing old together. Many are worried about their shapes, weight, wrinkles and issues of the body. By now it should become evident that we just really care about you, "how are you?".
Life has been hard for all as it teaches each day the lessons it wants to and we are the victims or the captains depending on many of our own reactions and circumstance.
As we build for our 50 year reunion which is now POSTPONED please just know it will be great for us all to just visit without judgement and with out Corona virus. Come and enjoy people who share your roots and common experiences from those most formable and formidable years 15, 16, 17, and/or 18.
"On South High we stand behind you forever."
Hope to see you and our friends in 2021.