LDS mission to Italy, 1971-1973; began radio career while at South and continued after my mission; Got married in August 1974; have eight kids (3 of them belong to my wife, Melani) and 19 grandchildren (4 of them belong to my wife); I have lived in SLC, Brigham City, Los Alamos, NM, Hunter/West Valley City, Fruit Heights, Kaysville and now Syracuse.
Jobs I've had include lather in commercial construction; warehouseman, reporter, news director, news anchor, all in radio; PR guy, press secretary, campaign manager, writer, promoter. I have worked at the Intermountain Power Project; in radio: KRSN in New Mexico, KUER, KLUB, KALL & KRSP in SLC; Press Secretary for Rep. Jim Hansen and Sen. Orrin Hatch; PR guy for the Utah Travel Council (that was a blast); and now a media manager for the LDS Church Public Affairs Department. I have also owned my own PR and political consulting business.
I married Melani Pyper of Bountiful after 29 years of marriage to my kids' mother. We're empty-nesters except for two dogs, Laman and Lemuel. I have great kids, their spouses and now grandchildren.
I've had lots of fun over the last 40 years as a drummer for the SLC Letter Carriers Band (I recently retired from the band after 42 years). I also played in a couple of rock n' roll bands, "Crash Pontiac and the Hubcaps" and "PastTimes." We played 50 and 60s music for concerts and dances. The acting bug bit me, too so I've had fun in plays and other characters at This is the Place Heritage Park. I have been a professional name is Ukelele. I juggle and make balloon creations. I owned a balloon business selling balloon bouquets, balloon decorating, etc. I took up tennis and golf and have enjoyed both very much. I got first my first eagle last October.
At the Utah Travel Council, for five and a half years, I promoted the state of Utah. I developed radio and TV programs wherein I traveled the state and promoted events and attractions live on Utah radio and TV.
I've had wonderful opportunities of service in the LDS Church.
My life has been great. There have been many bumps in the road along the way but I'm thankful for the challenges, opportunities, fun, spiritual experiences, and the exhilaration and satisfaction of family life.