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03/30/24 09:39 AM #6006    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

For Paul:

03/30/24 10:08 AM #6007    


Darlene Webster (Joneson)

and Babara Sorensen

03/30/24 10:23 AM #6008    


Ken Hollen

"Mansplaining". Really?  ðŸ˜‚ 😂 😂 

03/30/24 02:50 PM #6009    


Colleen Strand (Hansen)

Glad to hear you're ok, Paul! Welcome back;)

03/30/24 04:46 PM #6010    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

Ken, the mansplain comment was for the benefit of Jeff, who didn't seem to think we got it the first time.

03/30/24 06:07 PM #6011    


Paul Michelsen


03/31/24 12:00 PM #6012    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

03/31/24 02:44 PM #6013    


Paul Michelsen

04/01/24 11:16 AM #6014    

Roger Watters

I usually don't comment on any social media pages I don't have a face book page and prefer to live and let live and watch then react when my actions will make a differance in the outcome.

I read the posts simply because I haven't blocked them in my email. So at some point I must care.

I do care about what is happening in the US and the world. Comment on what is important to you but I agree screaming and yelling won't change much.

I am totally fed up and confused by what is happening in the US.  If you look closely at our government none of what is happening makes any sense.  Agood friend  for many years said something that fits." If you add up all the facts and it doesn't make any sense. You don't have all the facts! So when I look at what is happening in Washington I have that feeling WHAT ARE THEY NOT TELLING US 

I would  vote for anyone I thought would bring government back to "by the people   of the people  and for the people"

I have decided that My vote no longer counts after what happened in the last years of elections. So why am I beating my head against the wall?

Most of you don't know me , many won't remember me  from High School.  I didn't have many friends  but a few very good friends.  so its ok. 

After High School I went to Utah Tech and spent some time at the U mostly s a consultant with their engineering dept  working on some polymer development for a satalite. Then I worked for an electronics engineering firm. Later I started a business and a corporation  that I later moved to Southern Utah.

Sorry this is getting long

I know people that have never been out of Utah and many that have never been out of the US. Pull Your Head out of The Sand.  There is a world out there.  I haven't seen all the continents  but most and what I have found is people.  Real people that want the same things we want here in the US   They have families  and work  and live just like we do  I see good people and bad people in every country and every color, just like we have here in the US.  For those of you that don't think I know what I am talking about ,  just to let you know I have been around this globe we live on Earth 23 times.

I now am taking a new direction.  I am leaving the US as my primary place of residence. I have been asked " don't you love your country" Yes I do! I don't love what is happening here  It's INSANE  what the government is doing!  So I will watch the Insanity from a distance.

Roger D. Watters 

04/01/24 12:11 PM #6015    


Ken Hollen

Roger, so much of what you say is correct.  International travel really doesn't include Canada or Mexico.  Getting out there in a foreign country does teach you that there isn't much difference in the wants and the needs  of other people of other nations.  We are closer than what the media or politicians tell us.  It isn't unpatriotic to wish the best for all people of other nations.

04/02/24 05:52 PM #6016    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

04/04/24 12:58 AM #6017    


Paul Michelsen




04/05/24 02:02 PM #6018    


Paul Michelsen


04/05/24 08:19 PM #6019    


Paul Michelsen

04/06/24 11:03 AM #6020    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

04/06/24 04:06 PM #6021    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

04/06/24 11:20 PM #6022    


Paul Michelsen

04/07/24 01:57 PM #6023    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

04/07/24 07:01 PM #6024    


Paul Michelsen


04/10/24 10:07 AM #6025    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

I'm going to do something a little different here and recommend a book. It's interesting enough that it has changed my way of thinking a bit.

Want to know what chaos theory can teach us about human events? In the perspective-altering tradition of Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point and Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s The Black Swan comes a provocative challenge to how we think our world works—and why small, chance events can divert our lives and change everything, by social scientist and Atlantic writer Brian Klaas.

04/11/24 05:37 PM #6026    


Paul Michelsen


04/14/24 01:01 PM #6027    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

04/16/24 01:48 AM #6028    


Paul Michelsen

04/16/24 01:56 AM #6029    


Paul Michelsen

04/16/24 09:39 AM #6030    


Charlotte Warr (Andersen)

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